Let’s face it! Wildlife don't acknowledge property boundaries. To support healthy wildlife populations it is important to consider land across property lines.
Golden Sands Resource Conservation Development Council (RC&D) is connecting neighboring landowners for the cooperative management of wildlife, invasive species and forests. We are assisting landowners in
12 Central Wisconsin counties with the formation of group cooperatives through the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) which encourages small-scale private landowners to work together to address multi-property management goals. Whether you have five or 500 acres, each property has an important role to play for woods and wildlife.
So far, Golden Sands RC&D has joined over 100 landowners with their neighbors across Central Wisconsin. Since enrolling, landowners have been empowered to cooperatively manage forests, wildlife, and invasive species.
Contact Jacob if you are interested in forming a group cooperative. As the Cooperative Habitat Management Coordinator, he helps landowners take the first step to connect with their neighbors. Did you know that cooperatives with at least 160 acres can receive a written, non-regulatory wildlife management plan? Check out our cooperative management video series below to learn more from professionals and landowners about the benefits of DMAP and cooperative management.
Cooperating for Wildlife Habitat
In this video, speakers share information about working collaboratively to enhance wildlife habitat. The topics discussed appeal to wildlife watchers and hunters alike.
Speakers: Dr. Scott Hygnstrom (UWSP), Curt Rollman (WI DNR), Hannah Butkiewicz (Golden Sands RC&D), Geoff Hale (QDMA), Dan Hoff (Ruffed Grouse Society/NRCS), Brendan Woodall (USFWS), Joshua Benes (Golden Sands RC&D), John Welke (landowner) and DMAP cooperative landowners including Jack Johnson, Dick & Mary Czaj, Mike Derezinski and Jim Livingston.
Cooperating for Invasive Species Control
Managing invasive plants on your property can help support wildlife and promote healthy forest regeneration. Invasive plant management can become difficult if species are re-introduced from neighboring properties. Speakers share information about involving your neighbors in invasive plant control to help maintain forest health and support wildlife.
Speakers: Rod Sharka (volunteer), Kari Hagenow (Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin/The Nature Conservancy), Mike Derezinski (landowner), Asa Plonsky (Golden Sands RC&D), Andy Hart (NRCS WI State Forester), Matt Schultz (Pine Curve Consulting Forestry LLC), Chris Gaetzke (Lower Chippewa Invasives Partnership), Ben Bomkamp (NatureWorks LLC).
Cooperating for Forest Management
Properly managed woodlands are healthy woodlands. Landowners in cooperatives can collaborate with neighbors to conduct shared timber sales and other forest management activities. This video contains information about private forest management, shared timber sales, and cost share programs.
Speakers: Margaret Parsons (Vice President of WWOA), Dan Peterson (WI Tree Farm Committee), Dr. Mike Demchik (UWSP), Matt Schultz (forester), Jenny Larson (landowner), Joe Hovel (Partners in Forestry Landowner Cooperative), Joshua Benes (Golden Sands RC&D), Jim Livingston (DMAP Cooperative Landowner), Dan Hoff (Ruffed Grouse Society/NRCS), Lizzy Dawson (NRCS) and John Welke (landowner).
Full Length Interviews

Visit the Cooperating for Woods and Wildlife YouTube Channel to view twelve full-length interviews filmed during the production of our Cooperating for Woods and Wildlife series.
DMAP Video Resources
Your Wisconsin Woods
NRCS Wisconsin
Additional Resources for Landowners Considering Cooperative Management
Deer Management Assistance Program: State program for learning how to improve habitat and manage wildlife.
UW Center of Cooperatives: Grant funding for landowner cooperatives in Wisconsin.
My Wisconsin Woods: A public, private partnership serving woodland owners across Wisconsin.
WI Tree Farm: Program that supports sustainable forest management.
Woodland Cost Share: A compilation of some programs available to Wisconsin landowners.
Managed Forest Law: State program for forest management and property benefits.
EQIP / CSP: Federal cost-share for forest and habitat management.
Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association: Educational community of fellow woodland owners and professionals.
Caring for your Woodland: Current woodland topics, Learn About Your Land classes, webinars, publications and information that will help you meet your goals.
Ecological Landscapes: Learn about what ecological landscape you live in and the management opportunities associated with each landscape.
Have questions or want to get involved? Contact us!

Jacob Fluur
Terrestrial Invasive Species and
Cooperative Woodlands Assistant
715-343-6215 ext. 713

Claire Harwood
Terrestrial Invasive Species and
Cooperative Woodlands Assistant
715-343-6215 ext. 707