In Wisconsin, water is an essential part of our natural heritage. Our lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater provide us with clean water to drink, diverse habitats for fish and wildlife, places to fish and swim, vibrant economic opportunities, and a beautiful landscape. Golden Sands RC&D is working on many projects to protect and improve our waters in the Central Sands region.
Aquatic Invasive Species
We work with lake groups, citizens, business and community organizations to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) and help educate them on their options regarding removal if they are already established. Click the LEARN MORE button below to read about how we can help you with your AIS problems.
Lake, River, Aquatic Invasive Species and Shoreland Services
We offer a variety of lake services consistent with WI DNR protocol. These services include Point Intercept Aquatic Plant Surveys, Early Detection Surveys, Shoreline Inventories, and more. Click the LEARN MORE button below to find out how we can help you learn more about your lake.
Environmental Education
Since 1997, we have taught groundwater lessons to 5th grade classes in Waushara and Waupaca Counties. We would like to expand our groundwater education program to all counties in our service area. Click the LEARN MORE button below to read or request more information as well as access Aquatic Invasive Species curriculum.
Biological Control
Biological Control (or bio-control) is the method of using natural mechanisms to control plant or animal species. Golden Sands RC&D is involved in Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) bio-control and purple loosestrife (PLS) bio-control. Click the LEARN MORE button below to learn more about each.