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The future of the forest is in your hands.


Golden Sands Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc. received the Wisconsin DNR Forest Stewardship Grant to fund the creation of demonstration sites on private woodlands. These sites were established to educate landowners on the importance of land stewardship and to teach landowners strategies to enhance woodland productivity and wildlife habitat. Golden Sands RC&D felt the best way to teach land stewardship was through the use of living classrooms, the woods. Thus began the Demonstration Forest program.

Originally, nine active demonstration forests were established due to a funding lag and property ownership transfers, only three sites remained in 2018. Fortunately, funding from the Ruffed Grouse Society and the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin revived the program and three additional Demonstration Forests were created in Taylor, Outagamie and Adams County.

Demonstration Forest logo


As funding becomes available, Golden Sands RC&D will create Demonstration Forests in each county within the 12 county service area. Our goal is to have one living classroom in each ecological landscape. There are currently nine demonstration forests in our service area and we are looking to develop ones in Marathon, Wood, Portage, and Green Lake County. Contact Jacob if you are interested in turning your property or part of your property into a Demonstration Forest. Click the ECOLOGICAL LANDSCAPES button below to learn more.

Hover above the pictures below to read more about the woodlands.

Site 1

Becker Woodland

Waupaca County

Central Lake Michigan Coastal


Site 2

Hendricksen Woodland

Adams County

Central Sand Plains

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Site 3

Hill Woodland

Marquette County

Central Sand Hills


Site 4

Larson Woodland

Juneau County

Western Coulees & Ridges


Site 5

Bear Crossing Woodland

Taylor County

Forest Transition


Site 6

Pinevilla Tree Farm

Outagamie County

Central Lake Michigan Coastal


Site 7

Oz Natural Area

Waupaca County

Forest Transition

Kann Tree Farm.webp

Site 8

Kann Tree Farm

Monroe County

Western Coulees & Ridges


Site 9

Schloss Legacy Land

Waushara County

Central Sand Hills




Site 10

Peterson Woodlands

Marathon County

Forest Transition


Site 11

Rock N' Roll Woods

Portage County

Central Sand Hills

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Site 12

Antler Rock

Portage County

Central Sand Hills and Forest Transition

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Site 13

Royal Oaks

Monroe County

Western Coulees and Ridges

Demonstration Forest Site Visit Inquiries

Visits can be planned to teach about forests and management strategies. Demonstration Forests can also host tour groups and school groups to learn about land stewardship. Site visits can be arranged but must be scheduled with the landowner as the land is still private. Make sure to check out each of the Demonstration Forest brochures to learn about the history of the site and about the current management strategies. When visiting these properties, please be considerate of your impact on the native habitat and restrictions set by the landowner. To schedule a visit or learn more, please contact Jacob Fluur at (715) 343-6215 Ext. 713 or through Email.

Interested in learning about land management? Click here to view our video series to learn about the benefits of cooperative management.  This three part series covers cooperating for wildlife habitat, for invasive species control and for forest health. Hear from professionals about ways you can get involved and listen to landowner testaments. 

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