The Managed Grazing Team at Golden Sands RC&D is here to provide farmers with resources, technical advice and grazing plans at no cost to the producer if working with the NRCS. The Grazing Team is grant funded to write grazing plans for the EQIP (cost-share) program provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).
Have Questions or want to get involved? Contact us!

Use the email below and one of our grazing specialists will be in touch!
Get incentivized to farm better through the
Through the EQIP program, producers can receive cost-sharing for fencing, waterlines, new seeding, as well as technical assistance.
Once enrolled in EQIP, farmers are also able to enroll in Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) for additional cost-sharing incentives for enhancements to the grazing plan and farm operation.
Read more: EQIP Newsletter
We are proud to partner with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), County Land & Water Conservation Departments, the Grazing Land Conservation Initiative, and UW-Extension offices to plan and implement successful grazing systems throughout Central Wisconsin.