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Meet The Team

Jennifer Glad
Executive Director

 Jennifer oversees the day-to-day activities of the Organization while securing funding in order to execute the Council's directives and support future efforts of the Organization to further our mission. Jennifer supports our team by helping develop new projects and new partnerships.  She​ works on team recruitment, training, grant writing/administration, coordinating outreach, and more!

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 701

Amy Thorstenson
Advising Director

Amy assists the Executive Director in managing the operational functions of the business. Amy takes on administrative, HR, PR, or project oversight duties and activities as needed to execute the Council’s directives and achieve the mission of the organization. Amy also works with native milfoil weevils, a biological control agent for invasive Eurasian watermilfoil.

(715) 346-1264 Ext. 702 

Denise Hilgart

Administrative Manager
Finance Director
Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator

 Denise researches, tracks, and implements Administrative Business Functions and Financial Business practices to include implementation and training of administrative staff and Council Members. Denise supports Grazing staff and projects by sharing current Sustainable Agriculture opportunities and practices.

(715) 343-6217 Ext. 703 

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Jenna Tuma

Administrative Coordinator

Jenna has the responsibility of assisting the administrative team with business functions, assisting field teams with business documentation, and assisting customers. She ensures that all administrative tasks are completed in a timely manner and that all project financial activity is properly documented.


​(715) 343-6215 - Ext. 712

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Amanda Gurklis

Environmental Educator and Outreach Coordinator
Administrative Assistant

 Amanda coordinates environmental education activities for area schools through various county and grant-funded projects. Amanda is also an Administrative Assistant and assists the Administrative Manager and Executive Director with various administrative tasks that need to be completed.


Don't know who to contact? Contact one of our Administrative Assistants.

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 710


Morgan Jansen

GIS Specialist

Morgan works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and NRCS to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the easement provisions of the Farm Bill. Morgan is based out of the NRCS State Office in Madison. Morgan provides conservation technical assistance to agricultural producers and landowners across the state of Wisconsin. 

(608) 893-3356

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David Smith

Program Support Specialist

David works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. David is based out of the Baraboo NRCS Service Center. He gathers data and provides administrative support to the staff and producers by utilizing applicable survey tools, planning software and assisting with data collection.

(608) 581-3010 

Nichole Kirk

Urban Conservation Specialist

Nichole works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and NRCS to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Nichole is based out of the Madison NRCS State Office and promotes urban conservation through agricultural based practices and works with a wide variety of producers to educate the public on conservation practices and funding opportunities for urban producers.

(608) 851-0928


Jacob Abrahamson

Urban Conservation Specialist

Jacob works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and NRCS to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Jacob is based out of the Stevens Point Golden Sands RC&D Office. He aides in developing and executing natural resources conservation programs that are tailored to customers' needs while meeting USDA and NRCS requirements related to priorities for urban agriculture and conservation.

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 711

Brooke Patrick

Grazing Specialist, TSP

Brooke provides technical assistance, follow-ups on existing managed grazing plans, develops educational events, and writes new managed grazing plans for producers. Providing these services gives this position a chance to interact with new and experienced grazing farmers to continue promoting the practice of sustainable grazing and continue conversations as grazing practices evolve. 

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 709

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Kristin McAdow

Managed Grazing Specialist

Kristin provides technical assistance, follow-ups on existing managed grazing plans, develops educational events, and writes new managed grazing plans for producers. Providing these services gives this position a chance to interact with new and experienced grazing farmers to continue promoting the practice of sustainable grazing and continue conversations as grazing practices evolve. 

(715) 343-6215 - Ext. 715

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Asher Maliepaard

Regenerative Agriculture Specialist

Asher is responsible for developing and implementing agricultural initiatives that align with partner goals to be environmentally friendly, including climate-smart agriculture and reducing runoff from agricultural lands within the Great Lakes Basin by promoting sustainable agriculture methods, such as managed grazing. Asher develops and facilitates outreach and education efforts in the region to increase soil quality and productivity for producers.

(715) 343-6215 - Ext. 705


Shala Pence

Resource Conservationist

Shala works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Shala is based out of the NRCS State Office in Madison. Shala provides conservation technical assistance to agricultural producers and landowners across the state of Wisconsin.

(608) 982-1358

Adam Skadsen

Soil Conservation Technician

Adam works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Adam is based out of the Stevens Point NRCS Service Center and gathers data and provides technical support to the producers by utilizing applicable survey tools, planning software and assisting with data collection.

(715) 346-1313 Ext. 3815

Robert Bauer

Grazing Specialist/
Resource Conservationist

Robert works in a joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and Wisconsin NRCS to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Robert is based out of the Viroqua NRCS Service Center and provides conservation technical assistance to agricultural producers located in Vernon and Monroe Counties and Southwest Wisconsin.

(608) 637-2183 Ext. 218

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Brady Albers

Soil Conservationist

Brady works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Brady is based out of the Green Lake NRCS Service Center and gathers data and provides technical support to the producers by utilizing applicable survey tools, planning software and assisting with data collection.

(920) 294-6474 - Ext. 3

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Ben Babcock

Soil Conservationist

Ben works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Ben is based out of the Westfield NRCS Service Center and gathers data and provides technical support to the producers by utilizing applicable survey tools, planning software and assisting with data collection.

(608) 297-0989

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Thor Gustafson

Soil Conservationist

Thor works in joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to promote, accelerate enrollment, and coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Farm Bill. Thor is based out of the Prairie du Chien NRCS Service Center and gathers data and provides technical support to the producers by utilizing applicable survey tools, planning software and assisting with data collection.

(608) 326-7179 - Ext. 103

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Claire Harwood

Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator

Claire assists with terrestrial invasive species mapping and control efforts across the landscape and educates citizens on identification as well as best management practices for removing invasive species from their lands. The Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Northeast Wisconsin Invasives Partnership (NEWIP), which assists both public and private entities in invasive species management efforts.

(715) 343-6215 - Ext. 707

Jacob Fluur

Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator

Jacob assists with terrestrial invasive species mapping and control efforts across the landscape and educates citizens on identification as well as best management practices for removing invasive species from their lands. The Terrestrial Invasive Species Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the Central Wisconsin Invasives Partnership (CWIP), which assists both public and private entities in invasive species management efforts.

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 713

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Bo Hendrickson

Habitat Restoration Technician

Bo works in a joint capacity with Golden Sands RC&D and the US Fish & Wildlife Service to focus on restoring and enhancing habitat for the Monarch Butterfly, Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, Karner Blue Butterfly, and Poweshiek Skipperling. Through collaboration of respectable and proven conservation organizations, Bo's focus is on the restoration and enhancement of both private and public lands.

(715) 343-6215 - Ext. 706

Chris Hamerla

Regional Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator

 Chris provides education through informational booths and presentation at various events and with groups, such as Lake Associations. The aquatic invasive species (AIS) Coordinator trains others on identification and monitoring strategies of AIS as well as leading monitoring and verification efforts. Our AIS Coordinators also complete professional services, such as aquatic plant inventory surveys, and more.

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 704

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Mara Lince

Regional Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator

Mara provides education through informational booths and presentation at various events and with groups, such as Lake Associations. The aquatic invasive species (AIS) Coordinator trains others on identification and monitoring strategies of AIS as well as leading monitoring and verification efforts. Our AIS Coordinators also complete professional services, such as aquatic plant inventory surveys, and more.

(715) 343-6215 - Ext. 714

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Andrew Senderhauf

Regional Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator

Andrew provides education through informational booths and presentation at various events and with groups, such as Lake Associations. The aquatic invasive species (AIS) Coordinator trains others on identification and monitoring strategies of AIS as well as leading monitoring and verification efforts. Our AIS Coordinators also complete professional services, such as aquatic plant inventory surveys, and more.

(715) 343-6215 Ext. 708

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Sebastian Rueth

Forestry Steward Intern

Sebastian works with the Taylor County Forestry & Recreation Department as a seasonal Forestry Steward Intern to collect forest data, implement forestry practices, and manage invasive species. Sebastian will also conduct plot measurements of tree saplings and seedlings, perform data entry, plan plot visits, and install and maintain deer enclosure units.

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